なお、一部のサイト(メルカリ)では上手く動かないです。ご了承ください! F2キー以外のキーを割り当てたい場合は、コード内のF2の記述を任意のキーに変更してください。
// ==UserScript==
// @name AddDoubleQuotes
// @namespace https://aldelog.fc2.page/?p=9
// @version 0.1
// @description Pressing the F2 key adds double quotes to the word at the text cursor position. Pressing Alt + F2 adds double quotes to the entire text.
// @description:ja F2キーを押すとテキストカーソル位置の単語に対して二重引用符を付加します。Alt + F2キーを押すとテキスト全体に対して二重引用符を付加します。
// @author Alde
// @match *://*/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
document.addEventListener('keyup', keyup_event);
document.addEventListener('keydown', keydown_event);
var IsRightAfterAddquote = false;
function strIns(str, idx, val){
var res = str.slice(0, idx) + val + str.slice(idx);
return res;
function keydown_event(e) {
if (location.host == "twitter.com")
if (document.activeElement.value != null)
var SearchWord = document.activeElement.value;
if(e.key === 'Enter' && IsRightAfterAddquote){
location.href = ('https://twitter.com/search?q=' + encodeURI(SearchWord));
IsRightAfterAddquote = false;
function keyup_event(e) {
IsRightAfterAddquote = false;
if(e.key === 'F2')
if (document.activeElement.value != null)
document.activeElement.value = "\"" + document.activeElement.value + "\"";
IsRightAfterAddquote = true;
else if(e.key === 'F2'){
if (document.activeElement.value != null)
var SearchBox = document.activeElement;
var SearchWord = SearchBox.value;
var i = SearchBox.selectionStart;
var j = SearchBox.selectionEnd;
if (i != j)
SearchWord = strIns(SearchWord, i, "\"");
SearchWord = strIns(SearchWord, j + 1, "\"");
document.activeElement.value = SearchWord;
return false;
var mae = SearchWord.substring(0, i);
var space1_1 = mae.lastIndexOf(' ');
var space1_2 = mae.lastIndexOf(' ');
var space1 = (space1_1 >= space1_2) ? space1_1 : space1_2;
var maefx;
if (space1 < 0)
maefx = mae;
maefx = mae.substring(space1 + 1, i);
var ato = SearchWord.substring(i);
var space2_1 = ato.indexOf(' ');
var space2_2 = ato.indexOf(' ');
var space2 = (space2_1 < space2_2) ? space2_1 : space2_2;
if (space2_1 == -1)
space2 = space2_2;
if (space2_2 == -1)
space2 = space2_1;
var atofx;
if (space2 < 0)
atofx = ato;
space2 = SearchWord.length;
atofx = ato.substring(0, space2);
var single_word = maefx + atofx;
SearchWord = strIns(SearchWord, space1 + 1, "\"");
SearchWord = strIns(SearchWord, space2 + i + 1, "\"");
document.activeElement.value = SearchWord;
IsRightAfterAddquote = true;
return false;
独習JavaScript 新版